How to choose a workable Live stream solution in China?

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We successful to run our 2020 Graduation show last week and as 50% of the faculty and student are still live from oversea. So how to run a reliable live steam for the graduation is the most important thing for our department.

This article is not an advertisement and I just want to explain how to run a workable live steam solution in China, if you are interesting to know which solution I use for live steam, feel free to PM me. Previous we use an oversea solution but it just doesn’t work in China so we find a local vendor to run the live stream and luckily everything works fine for all the show we run.

Here are the couple of my tips to help you find a suitable live steam box solution.

  1. Multiple input signal for one live steam box. For example, when we run the graduation show in theater last week, we have couple camera recording the stage so all the camera should transfer the signal to the live steam box at the same time so that we can decide which camera should play on the live.

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2. Touch screen. It’s important to have the touch screen feature on the box so you can easily to switch different live stream channel anytime if you want.



3. Multiple ways to connect to network. It’s also important for the box support to connect the network with different way via Wi-Fi, Ethernet or even for 4G. For example, if you have a live steam event at playgroup which get poor WiFi signal from you school, you just need to put a 4G SIM in and the box we still function, that can solve lots of the problems.



4. Cross Platforms Streaming. Stream your live event to almost all the major platforms or even wechat in China, for example, aqiyi, Tencent, youku, bilibili etc are should work with the live stream solution you use. Besides, the live stream will provide the own cloud solution so that end user can directly play the live stream video the browser with their browser.

Here are the sample replay video for our testing live steam. steam/eca1fe725ba84e2f8ca9f0a6adaa5315

5. The live steam link should work with everywhere. Well, we confirm that the live steam solution we choose can work around the world even during Chinese government has two session meeting at the north.



6. Guiding image or video before we start the live stream. Most of time we will start the live stream earlier because the tech team need to confirm with everything, so we can use the live steam box the play a guiding image or even a video when we are preparing the live steam. Once the show start, we can switch the live steam to the real channel.





7. Share the document for the live steam. When we play we the live steam, we can also share a document like a PPT to the live steam page. The guest will not only see the live show, but also can check with the slide anytime they want.



8. Play the live steam with large group of users. When we play we our graduation show last week. We found that there are around 2500 guests around the world are play the live steam link at the same time. Well, it works.



9. Report. We may want to generate a report to show how is the live steam run. So the report feature is also available from the live steam box and you can also export all the data.



10. Cost. Everyone will interesting with this topic but as I don’t want to make my article as a advertisement. So I won’t share it on here. But compare with the previous oversea live steam box solution we using (Most of times doesn’t work in China), we totally save more than 50% when we choose with this local solution. If you want to know which brand I choose, feel free to PM me.

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